We're (ALL) Doing The Best We Can
As most of you know, we're been doing this autism thing for almost 13 (anniversary of the first diagnosis in 2 months!) Over 15 if you count the blissful denial period. In that time we've seen a lot of shit both inside and outside the community. Too much to list here. Just say, it can be disheartening. We've seen tons of good stuff, too. Much more than the bad. But I'd like to mention something I've seen going on within the community. And that is giving advice as if you were the expert/parent. Saying "This is the way it should be done, and I KNOW BEST." In one case recently, I saw a parent advise another parent that she should kick her older teenager out if he didn't buckle down to the rules. WOW! You have no idea what is going on with that child or parent. You have no idea what the family dynamics are. You have no right to make another parent feel inferior because of their parenting. When a person puts a question out there, they a